The Customer Buying Groups program is used to display and to maintain the buying groups that a specific customer is assigned to. Buying Groups are used to group together customers for special pricing and other purposes, and they reduce maintenance by allowing the members of the group to share information such as special pricing records and or cross reference item records.
The Customer Buying Groups program can be accessed from the Customer Manager and from the Customer Management programs, using options that are available on the More and Right Context Menus in those programs.
The Customer Buying Groups program allows you to:
• Display the buying groups that the selected customer belongs to
• Add the selected customer to a new buying group
• Remove the selected customer from a buying group.
When the Buying Groups option is selected from the Customer Manager or Customer Management programs, the system executes the Customer Buying Groups program. The Customer Buying Groups program displays all of the buying groups that the selected customer belongs to. You may add the customer to the other available buying groups in your system by using the “Find Group to Add window” to select the group (this will display a selection list from which you can choose the group the customer should be added to). Once the group has been selected and is displayed in the Find Group window, you may add the customer to the group by pressing the Add Button. As the customer is added to a new buying group, the system will display the new group in the Buying Group Lookup program.
Please Note: You may not assign a customer to a Buying Group (create a record in the Buying Group Member file) until the Buying Group has been created in the Buying Group Master File. New Buying Groups are created using the Buying Group Manager program which is described in a separate section of this document.
Displaying the Buying Groups the
Customer belongs to