The Customer, ShipTo Button in the Point of Sale program is used to display the Customer, ShipTo Tab Page. The Customer, ShipTo Tab Page contains a lot of different options which allow you to perform the following actions.
• Select the POS Customer. The Point of Sale program will default to using the Cash Sale customer when it is first activated, but you may select a different customer using the FIND Button or the prompt button that is loacted next to the Account window in the Customer section of the Tab Page. The Cash Sale customer can be selected using the Cash Sale Button that is displayed at the top of the Tab Page.
• Set the Price Level to be used for the current POS transaction. The PRL or Price Level window can be used to select the price level to be used for the current transaction. The Price level defaults based on the selected customer but it can also be changed (depending on your security settings).
• Change the Sales Tax information for the current POS transaction. The Taxtype field cin the Sales Tax Section of the Customer Tab Page can be used to set the Taxtype for the current POSinvoice or return.. POS transactions normally default to RETAIL (taxable sale), but the Taxtype can be changed to RESALE when required to handle sales to your RESALE customers. Resale transactions must be processed using a specific customer record (ie not the generic Cash Sale customer), and the system will require you to select or enter a Resale certificate for the customer in order to successfully change the Tax Type to RESALE.
• Input PO and Reference information. The PO, RefNo and the other windows in the Invoice Detail section of the Customer,Shipto Tab Page can be used to add reference information to the current POS invoice or return.
• View Sales History for the selected customer. When the Sales History Button is selected in the Point of Sale program, the system activates the Customer Invoice Lookup program, which displays the invoices that have been created for the selected customer.
• View Items that have been purchased by the selected customer. When the Item History Button is selected in the POS program, the system activates the Customer Invoice Lines Lookup program which displays the specific items that have been purchased by the current customer.
• View Open Orders for the current customer. The Open Orders Button in the Point of Sale program can be used to display the open sales orders for the selected customer. When the button is pressed, the system activates the Customer Sales Order Lookup and it sets the program to display the Open Orders for the customer. Other status codes can be selected using the Radio Buttons that are located in the lower section of the Lookup.
• View all Invoices . The All Invoices Button can be used to activate the Invoices Lookup program, which displays all accounts receivable invoices that have been created in the system.
• Enter a Sales Order for the Customer. The Sales Order Entry Button can be used to activate the Sales Order Entry Program and load it with the current customer so that a standard sales order can be processed for the customer. This would be used to handle situations where a customer wishes to buy an item that is not in stock and you need to either ship it to them or receive inhouse and have them pick it up. This option creates an order that is fulfilled using the Order Completion process, not POS when the items are delivered to or picked up by the customer.
• Enter a Repair Order for the Customer. The Repair Sales Order Button can be used to activate the Sales Order Entry Program and load it with the current customer so that a Repair order can be processed for the customer. This would be used to handle situations where a customer drops off an item for repair and you will repair it and then bill the customer when they pick it up.