Display in Field Name Sequence Checkbox

When the Fields List program is activated, the fields shown in the program will normally be sorted in field number sequence.

You may change the program to display the fields in field name sequence (if necessary) by using the left mouse button to check the Display in Field Name Sequence Checkbox. 

Once the fields in the program are sorted by number or name you may also search for a specific field – based on the display sequence being used.  For example, if you are sorting the fields in the Company file by name, you may search for the Address1 field by typing in the field name (or a portion of it) and pressing the Enter key.  This action will cause the list to find and to highlight the field with the name closest to the value that you specified.

Please note that the Fields List program does not use parameter files (like many other list based programs in the system) and the list of fields will always show the field number and field name fields (in that order) regardless of whether you are sorting the list by name or number.


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