Insert – Create New Bill of Materials

The Insert option allows you create a new Bill of Materials.  When the insert option is selected, the system displays the Catalog Lookup program so that you can select the top level item for the new Bill of Material.  Once you have selected the top level item for the new Bill of Material, the system displays the Bill of Materials Header Detail Panel and it loads the panel with the selected top level item.

As the Bill of Materials Detail Panel is displayed, the system loads the panel with the default type (A) and status (A for Active), for a new bill of material and it also assigns the next available BOM revision number for the selected top level item.  The BOM Revision number is used along with a BOM number to identify a specific bill of materials.  The BOM number is a unique number that is used to tie information like comments to the BOM.  The revision number is a sequential number that is assigned to each Bill of Materials for a specific item.  The first BOM for a specific top level item will default to 1.  If you create a second BOM for the same item, the system will assign a revision number of 2 and so on.  The combination of the top level item and the revision or the BOM# by itself can be used to identify a specific BOM when multiple BOM’s exist for the same item.

Once the system has loaded the Revision, Status, and Type fields for the new Bill of Materials Header record, you may make any required changes to the Type or Status Code and specify an optional BOM description.  The BOM description is a description of the item that is specific to the BOM and that can differ from the Item Descriptions that are stored in the Inventory and Catalog Master files. 

You may also specify a drawing number for the BOM and optionally enter any required data for the BOM into the Code1 – Code 5 fields.  The Code1 – 5 fields are user defined fields and they support Gencode Validation (meaning you can set up a table with the valid entries for the field and force the field to be loaded with a valid value prior to save).   The Code 1 –5 fields are not required, but can be made required based on how the Gencode table for the field has been set up. 

As each Bill of Materials Header is being created, the system defaults the current date into the Valid From field in the record and a value of 12/31/2049 into the Valid To field in the record.  If the Bill of Material being created is only valid for a specific date range, it should be specified in the Valid fields. 

If the Bill of Materials being created is for a Kit (an inventory item with the assembly level set to K in the Inventory Master file), you should put a check into the Kit ? checkbox that is displayed in the detail panel.  Please note: Only one Bill of Materials can be identified as the “Kitbom” for a single item.  This allows the system to positively identify which BOM to use during the Online Kitting process.  Please also note that a Kit BOM (a Bill of Materials with the Kitbom flag set) CANNOT be used to create a shop order.  This is due to the fact that kits and shop orders are processed differently by the system.  Please see the Kitting section in the Shop Floor Overview section of this document for more information about kitting.

Once you have accepted or changed the information that is displayed in the Bill of Materials Header Detail Panel and save the record, the system automatically displays the Bill of Materials Line Lookup program so that you can specify the components that should be included in the BOM.


Zoom - Bill of Materials Header Detail Panel