Inventory Allocation Methods

There are three different ways in which inventory can be allocated to the open sales orders, loaner orders, and shop orders for each item.. 

      On-line Allocation:  The system attempts to allocate any available inventory quantities to qualifying sales or shop order lines when the orders are saved, or edited.  The system also allocates inventory that is received into the warehouse to the orders that are waiting for the items being received.

      Batch Allocation:  The system runs a process each night that allocates available inventory quantity to any order lines that are waiting for the item, and that are scheduled to be shipped within the scheduling window for the item.  This process handles orders that may just be coming due for shipment.

      Manual Allocation:  A Manual Allocation program allows you to manually over-ride the automatic allocation performed by the system.  This option lets you re-assign scarce inventory when required, and it also allows you to allocate the safety stock quantites for the item.


Online Allocation

Batch Allocation

Manual Allocation