Invoices Button

When a valid Customer record is highlighted in the Customer Lookup program and the Invoices Button is pressed, the system executes the Customer Invoice Lookup program and it loads the program with the invoices that have been created on your system for the selected customer.  The Customer Invoice Lookup displays all invoices for the customer regardless of the type or payment status and it allows you to access detailed information about each invoice.    The Customer Invoice Lookup Program is completely described in the documentation for the AR Module.  Options that are available in the Customer Lookup Program include

Zoom: Invoice Header Detail – Displays the Invoice Header Detail for the selected invoice.

Expand: Invoice Line Lookup – Displays the Line Items for the selected invoice.  The Invoice Lines Lookup program also allows you to access the Invoice Line Detail Panel which displays additional detailed information about an individual invoice line, and the Invoice Line Serial Numbers Lookup which displays the Serial Numbers that are associated with a specific invoice line.

Shipping Information (Context Menu) – Activates the Manifest Lookup program which displays any Manifest Records that are associated with the selected invoice.

AR Invoice Activity Lookup (Context Menu) – Activates the AR Invoice Activity Lookup which displays any payment and adjustment transactions that have been processed for the selected invoice.  Additional options in the Lookup allow you to view the detailed information about the transactions (Journal Entry Lines) and documents (AR Check Records) associated with the activity.


Orders Button