Main Section

The Main section of the Inventory Detail Panel displays basic information about the selected inventory item, including the warehouse location for the item, the inventory item number and the description fields for the item.  The main section of the detail panel also displays the status of the item, the backorder flag for the item and the date and operator initials of the operator who created and last edited the selected item.

The main section of the Inventory Detail panel also displays the Default Bin field which can be used to define a default bin location for the item in the selected inventory location.   The Default Bin field is maintained only at the Inventory level  and if the field is loaded, the system will generally use the information in the field to select the bin for the item during inventory receiving, shop order completion and during other operations.

Most of the information displayed in the main section of the Inventory Detail panel is maintained in the Catalog record for the item and this information cannot be modified in the Inventory Detail panel.  Your ability to edit specific fields in each inventory record is based both on your security settings and on the Inventory Normalization control file that has been setup on your system (the system will automatically block you from editing fields in the Inventory Detail panel that are maintained at the Catalog level and block you from editing fields in the Catalog record that are maintained at the Inventory Level.  Inventory Normalization logic is described in more detail in the documentation for the Product Management (PM) system.


Quantities Tab Page