Manifest Invoice Button

The Manifest Invoice option allows you to re-manifest the selected invoice.  This option can only be used for invoices that have box or manifest records already created for them in the Manifest file.  The re-manifest option allows you to re-manifest the shipment using the same shipment method that is listed on the invoice.  The option does not allow you to change the shipping method.

When the Manifest Invoice option is selected, the system verifies that an invoice is selected, and it checks the Invoice Type for the selected invoice.  The Manifest Invoice option can only be used for type OI, DI, OS, DS, SH or IN invoices (sales invoices and shippers).

If the selected invoice is valid, the system then locates the sales order header associated with the invoice.  If the order header cannot be found, the system will not allow you to re-manifest the invoice.


Edit Shipping Button