Misceallaneous Tab Page

The Miscellaneous displays several types of information for the current invoice line.

Shipvia Information:  The Shipping Method and Shipping terms that were selected for the current invoice.  The shipping method and terms should be selected before the line items for the invoice are entered, and they may not be changed from inside the Miscellaneous Tab Page.

Tax Information:  The Sales Tax information that is being used for the invoice line.  The Sales Tax information displayet in the Tab is based on the Taxtype and Taxcode in the Ship to Address being used, and the taxable flag in the inventory item being processed.   The correct Sales Tax information should be selected before the line items for the invoice are entered, as the Taxtype and Taxcode may not be changed once order lines have been entered.

Tax:  The Sales order line Tax flag.  This flag defaults based on the Taxable flag in the Item.

Taxcode:  The Taxcode being used for the invoice.

Taxtype:  The Taxtype being used for the invoice.

Taxrate:  The Tax rate being used for the invoice.  The tax rate stored in the soline is based on the Taxcode being used for the line. 


Price Details Tab Page