Printing Picklists

This procedure is used to generate Picklists for the orders that need to be fulfilled or shipped out of your warehouse locations.  Picklists are used to ship both normal sales orders and loaner or shipper sales order lines.  Picklists are not used to invoice vendor shipment lines.

      Select the Picklist Management Program from the Order Fulfillment Operations Menu

      Verify or change the warehouse location displayed by the program.  You may change the location being used by the program using the prompt button located next to the Loc label.  This causes the system to display a list of the valid warehouse locations that have been defined on your system.  You may then select the appropriate location from the list.  Please note that only the order lines for the specified warehouse and order type will be displayed in lower section of the Picklist Management program.

      Select the Order Type you wish to produce picklists for.  The Picklist Management program allows you to process both type S or normal sales orders (for goods you sell to your customers) and type L or loaner (also known as shipper) sales orders.  Loaner orders are used to record the shipment of product to customers when the product is being sent at no charge.  This order type is used to send samples or evaluation product to customers or reps, to return goods to vendors, and for other specialized purposes.  Normally, the normal or type S orders for goods for sale are processed first, and the loaner or non-revenue orders are processed separately at the end of the day.  You may select the order type to be processed in the program using the prompt button that is located next to the Order Type window.  Please note that only order lines for the specified warehouse and order type will be displayed in lower section of the Picklist Management program.

      Select an optional shipping method or Ship Via, using the prompt button next to the Ship Via window.  The ShipVia window allows you to filter the order lines displayed in the Picklist Management program based on the shipping method specified for each order.  This option is useful when you need to process one type of shipment due to time constraints (i.e. the UPS guy comes early in day and the airborne guy comes later).

      Specify the Number of picklists to be produced and select the Print Next Picklist(s) option, or highlight a single order line and select the Print Selected Picklist option.  The Picklist Management program allows you to let the system automatically select and print a batch of picklists automatically using the On Demand Option, or it allows you to manually select and print the order line to be processed using the Print Selected Picklist option. 

      Print the document.  Once you have made the appropriate selections in the Picklist Management program and have printed one or more picklists, the system will display the Print Options Panel.  The Print Options panel allows you to select the export option (Preview, Printer, File) for the current job, and to select the printer to be used for the job.  Normally picklists are printed using the default printer on the station being used to generate picklists.   This allows the printed document to be used when picking the items for the shipment and it also allows the operator to note any required information (serial numbers, weights, etc) on the document that will be used during the order completion process.   The picklist documents can also be used to identify the operator who picked the shipment and to confirm the actual amount of each item that is physically pulled from each bin if required at a later time).


Picking Inventory