Sellwith Items / Related Items

The “Related Item” or “Sell With” option is used to promote increased sales.  The option can be used to automatically present a list of one or more items that you would like to “sell with” the item just entered on a sales order.

The sell with option suggests the other item or items that the customer may also wish to purchase with the selected item, and it allows the person placing the order to quickly add one or more of the “sell with” or related items to the current sales order being processed.

Examples of sell with situations could include

      A USB cable to be sold with a USB Printer

      A photo quality printer, camera case, tripod, and memory card to be sold with a digital camera

      A bracket or other required part that is sold with an aftermarket auto or truck accessory

      An enhanced video card to be sold with a high end computer monitor.

      A mount to be sold with a Flat Screen TV

The Sell With Information in the system is defined at the Catalog level and it applies to all customers and inventory locations in the system.

Multiple sell with or related items can be associated with a single Catalog item.  This design handles situations like the camera example, where you may wish to sell several additional items to the customer who is buying the camera The sell with information is used only to provide a list of the items that might be sold with the main item.  It is not used to define any relationship between the sell with items themselves. The related items list for the camera would include the case, printer, memory card, and tripod, but none of the items would show if you try to view the related items for the camera case itself – unless there were related items defined for the camera case).

Related Item/Sell With information is available and can be displayed in the Product Management system (in the Catalog Manager and Catalog Detail Panel) . Sell With information is also automatically displayed (if present for the item in the sales order line being saved) during the sales order entry process.

The following sections describe how Related Item or Sell With information is setup in the StreamV System, and how this information can be accessed and used the during the sales order entry process.


Sellwith Item Setup

Sellwith Items - Sales Order Entry