Set Up RTV System Policies and Parameters.

The following system policy or system parameter records are used by the RTV System.  You must be logged in as a system adminstrator to create or adjust these policies.  The policies can be created or maintained using the System Parameter Maintenance program, which is located under the System Administration, Parm/Control Files Menu.

You may obtain more complete descriptions for each of the listed policies by selecting the policy and viewing the comment informaton that has been entered for it.

161S01AP – Determines if the Invoice Vendor option can be used in RTV Management.  If the policy is set to Y, the option is available.  If the policy is set to N or is blank or missing, the option cannot be used.

161S01RI - Determines if the Return to Inventory option can be used in RTV Management.  If the policy is set to Y, the option is available.  If the policy is set to N or is blank or missing, the option cannot be used.

161S01RT – Defines the Register type to be assigned to AP credit memos created from the RTV Management program.  The APRegister type is normally controlled by a Gencode Tabe and the entry for this parameter should exist in that table.  The default value for the parameter is R (Return to Vendor).

161S01WO - Determines if the WriteOff option can be used in RTV Management.  If the policy is set to Y, the option is available.  If the policy is set to N or is blank or missing, the option cannot be used.

APPAYDAY – Determines how the Paydate on the Vendor Invoice is set when an AP invoice is created from the RTV Management program.  See the AP Docs for more information on AP Paydates.

APRTVCON – AP Control account that Vendor Invoices created by the RTV System are posted to.  This policy is normally set to the default AP control account which is 310.

APDEFCMD – If this policy is set to Y, the system will default the current date into the Paydate field of any AP invoices created from RTV Management.

LLPVLBL – List and Label routine that is used for vendor labels (outbound shipments to the vendor also generate labels).

LLP-VLBL – Print routing for vendor labels.

PENDBIN – Bin used for items that are returned to inventory from the RTV Management and other Pending programs.

PNDWRTOF – Determines if the Write Off Option is available in the program at all.  If the parameter is set to N, the button is not displayed.  If the parameter is set to Y or is missing, the WriteOff Button is displayed.







Serialized Inventory (SI)