Vendor Check Lookup

The Vendor Check Lookup program allows you to view the payment activity that has been recorded for a specific vendor.  The Vendor Check Lookup program is called from the Vendor Manager program when a valid Vendor record is loaded into the program and the Payments Button is pressed.  The Vendor Check Lookup:

      Displays all of the check and wire transfer payments that have been processed for the selected vendor

      Allows you to view the detailed information that is stored for each vendor payment in the Bank file. 

      Allows you to view the journal entry activity associated with each vendor payment, which allows you to also view the  invoices and amounts that were paid with each check or wire transfer issued to the vendor.

When the Vendor Check Lookup is activated, the system loads the panel with all of the accounts payable payment (check and wire transfer) records that have been created on your system for the selected vendor company.

Once the Vendor Check Lookup is displayed, you may use the Zoom and Expand options available in the program to display the bank or the journal entry detail associated with a specific payment transaction.


Zoom - Bank Detail Panel

Expand - Bank Journal Entry Activity Lookup