Vendor Contact Lookup

The Vendor Contact Lookup program displays the vendor contact records that have been entered into your system, and it is used to locate and select a vendor contact when required during document creation and transaction processing.

The Vendor Contact Lookup program is called from other programs in the system (such as the PO Entry program) when a Vendor Contact needs to be selected in the program.  The Vendor Contact Lookup program can be used to display only the vendor contacts that are associated with a specific vendor company (the program will display the name of the Vendor in Brackets in the top section of the program – next to the program title, when it is displaying the records for a single vendor), or it can be used to display all vendor contacts in the system.  This behavior is determined by the program that calls or activates the lookup.

The Vendor Contact Lookup program allows you to perform the following tasks.

      Search for, locate and select an existing vendor contact.

      View and Edit the comments associated with the selected vendor contact.

      Add a new comment for the selected vendor contact.

      View the Images associated with the selected  vendor contact.

      Add a new image record for the selected vendor contact.

      Access File and Field Level Help - The Column Help Option in Vendor Contact Lookup (which can be accessed using the Context or Right Mouse Menu)  allows you to access the Data Dictionary Field Help program which can be used to display the File and Field definitions for each of the fields displayed in the Vendor Contact Lookup program.


Zoom - Vendor Contact Detail