Company, Catalog and Inventory File Security

File Level security is supported for new Customers, Catalog and Inventory records using system policies in the System Parameter file.  The System policies are created using the format FILE plus the numeric file number of the database file to be restricted (leading zeros are omitted).  Each policy can be created on a global, group, branch, or user level.

File Security Options for Customer, Catalog, Item Information.

File Security Policy



Operator rights for Company file


Operator rights for Inventory file


Operator rights for Catalog file

The valid options for these policies include I,D,E,V where


File permission


Insert – Operator is allowed to insert new records from the list based programs where new customers and items are created.


Delete – Operator is allowed to delete records in the file  in the forms or lists where the delete option is available (and you are not blocked due to the record being a parent record or due to related records existing for the record).


Edit – Operator is able to edit existing records in the file.  The operators access to specific fields may also be blocked at the field level if field security is in use.  This option is usually handled in the detail panels where master records are created and edited (Company Detail, Catalog Detail, Inventory Detail).


View Only – Operator is able to view but not update existing records.  Operator may not create or delete records.  This option is usually handled in the detail panels where master records are created and edited (Company Detail, Catalog Detail, Inventory Detail).

If the policies are not present, or the user is a system administrator, the user will have full rights to the file.

In the below example, all users in the system have full rights to the Catalog file.  All users except for GST have full rights to the Company file (GST can view existing customers but cannot create new customers or edit or delete existing customers.

If the operator is unable to insert, delete or edit a record due to File security, the system will display an error message notifying the operator that the action is not allowed.