Customer Manufacturer Pricing Detail Panel

The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Detail Panel is used to create, display, edit, and delete Manufacturer Pricing or PRODAUTH records. 

The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Detail panel is activated when the insert option is selected in the Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup to create a new manufacturer price record.  The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Detail panel is also used when an existing Manufacturer price record is highlighted in the lookup and the zoom option is selected to display or edit the record.

You may access the Customer Manufacturer Pricing Detail Panel from the Customer Manager program.  To access the panel you should first   select the customer record for which manufacturer pricing information should be displayed in the Customer Manager program.

Once the correct customer record is loaded in the Customer Manager program, you may use the more menu to select the Customer Manufacturer Pricing option.  When this option is selected, the system activates the Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup program.  The Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup program displays the existing manufacturer pricing for the selected customer and it allows you to insert new manufacturer price records for the customer or edit existing records for the customer.   The Insert and the Zoom (edit) options in the Customer Manufacturer Pricing Lookup both call the Customer Manufacturer Detail Panel.


Creating a New Customer/Manufacturer Price

Editing a Customer/Manufacturer Price record

Deleting a Customer/Manufacturer Price record.