Edit Quantity Button

The Edit Quantity Button is used to manually set the To Receive Quantity (the quantity being received against the purchase order and being billed to the customer) for the selected Vendor Ship Purchase Order Line.

When the Edit Quantity Button is pressed, the system activates a prompt object to prompt for the quantity to be processed.  The system also defaults the open quantity for the PO line into the prompt object.  At this point, you may modify the quantity as required to match the quantity actually sent to your customer by the Vendor.

Once you have specified the quantity to be received against the line and have pressed the OK Button or the Enter Key in the prompt object, the system checks the serial flags for the selected item to see if the item is serialized.  If the item is serialized, the system will then display the Serial Number List Program.  The Serial Number List program is used to enter the serial numbers associated with the vendor shipment line being processed.

Once the Serial Number List is displayed, you should enter the appropriate number of serial numbers based on the item and quantity being shipped (the item and quantity are both displayed in the top section of the Serial Number List program), or enter the beginning serial number for the shipment and use the Autofill option in the program (if the serial numbers are numeric and sequential).

Once the correct serial numbers for the line are displayed in the Serial Number List, you may then press the Accept Button to associate the serial numbers with the line being received.

The Serial Number List program is part of the Serialized Inventory (SI) System and it is completely described in the documentation for that system.  You may obtain more information about the program by activating it and using the Help Key to display the main documentation for the program.

Please Note:  The Prepare to Invoice Vendor Shipment program will warn you (but not block you) when you set the To Receive quantity for a Vendor Shipment PO line to a quantity greater than the ordered quantity in the PO Line.  This allows you to deal with situations where the vendor sends more than the quantity ordered by the customer to the customer.  If the program did not allow this, you would have to edit the sales order quantity on a possibly closed sales order, then issue another PO against the new vendor shipment requisition, in order to record the shipment of the additional quantity for the over-shipped line item.


Zero Quantity Button