Free Freight Processing

The StreamV Order Processing  system supports the automatic selection of free freight based on a system wide order value point.  This option will prevent shipping from being charged to the customer when the order amount meets the minimum order value, and the shipping method being used for the order qualifies for Free Freight.

When an order is entered or edited, the system tests  if the value of the order is more than the system policy: SOFREAMT.  If the order amount is equal to or more than the amount specified in the policy , and the shipping method selected has the “Free Freight” checkbox checked in the Shipvia record, the system will change the Viaterms for the order to the Viaterms code defined in the system policy: SOFREVIA and notify the operator.  The Viaterms code specified in the SOFREVIA policy should have the charge shipping flag in the Viaterms record set to N. 

The system will not charge freight on any orders which have a Viaterms record with the Charge Shipping flag set to N (even if a freight amount is manually entered into the order).


Freight Rating and Rate Shopping