PO Lookup Programs

The programs on the PO Lookup Menu are used to

      View Purchase Order details and check order and line item status

      Check on estimated arrival dates for needed products.

      Manage Vendor Shipmentz and Special Orderz

      Access other purchasing programs, such as PO Entry and other applications

Some PO Lookup progams also allow you to update some PO Information, such as the Estimated Shipment and Actual Shipment Dates that are stored in each PO Line.

Program Access

The Purchasing Lookup programs described in the following sections are accessed in several different ways.  Some of the programs are called from the Standard Purchasing Lookups menu, and some are called from other Operations and Lookup programs.  These calling program may be part of the Purchasing system, or they may be part of another StreamV System such as Order Processing or Inventory Management.  Some of the PO Lookup programs may also call lookups from other modules or applications. This is done in order to allow you to “drill down” through transaction activity.

The PO Lookup programs are descibed separately to allow the various features of each lookup to be highlighted. In some cases, the Lookup programs are activated by merely “expanding” or “zooming ”from one lookup to another and no menu selection is necessary. These cases are noted in the following sections.


Purchase Order Lookup

Vendor Purchase Order Lookup

PO Lines Lookup

PO Query

PO Line Query

Receipts against this Line

Item PO Lookup

All Purchase Orders for a Sales Order Lookup

Purchase Order Header Detail Panel

PO Line Detail Panel