Production and Consumption Statistics

The Monthly and Weekly files also contain Consumed and Produced fields.  These fields are used to store the quantity of the item that was produced (built or returned to stock as a byproduct) or consumed (used as a component) by the shop floor system.  The fields in each Monthly and Weekly record are updated by the following business processes.

Shop Order Pull Ticket Processing

When a shop order pull ticket is printed and processed, the system updates the consumed qty in the monthly and weekly records for the items being pulled (using the qty being pulled for each shopline record).

Shop Order Line Deletion

If a shop order line is deleted and goods have been pulled for the shop order line, the system will update the consumed qty in the Monthly and Weekly records for the item and the date being processed.

Shop Order Line Reduction

If a shop order line is reduced and goods that have been pulled for the shop order line are being returned to inventory, the system will update the consumed qty in the Monthly and Weekly records for the item and the date being processed.

Shop Order Completion

During the shop order completion process, the system adds the quantity of the finished goods being built to the Produced field in the Monthly and Weekly records for the item and date range being processed.  The system will also increase the Produced field in the records for any by-product items that are put back into stock as a result of the shop order transaction.