This section describes how to create a new return authorization using the AR Invoice Lookup program.
1. Select the AR Invoice Lookup program from the Accounts Receivable Menu.
2. Locate and select (highlight) the invoice that you wish to create a return authorization for. You may locate the invoice to be processed using any of the several different display and search sequences that are available in the AR Invoice Lookup program.
3. Select the Create Return Authorization option from the Context or Right Mouse Menu. As you select the option, the system first checks that the invoice type is valid (only OI, DI, IN type invoices can be processed) and that the invoice amount was originally positive (you may not create an RA for a credit memo).
4. Give the return authorization number issued by the system for the return to the customer. The return authorization number assigned to the return should be used to identify the merchandise being sent back by the customer, and no customer returns should be accepted unless they are accompanied by a valid ra number.
5. Make any modifications to the ra that are required for the return being processed.