Inventory Management

The Inventory Management program is a flexible program that is used for Inventory Lookup and Maintenance purposes.  The Inventory Management program displays the Inventory Items or Warehouse records for a specific warehouse location and the current quantities for each inventory item.  The Inventory Management program also allows you to:

•      Access current information about each inventory item in a specific warehouse location.  The Inventory Management program can be used as a convenient means of checking the current quantities, prices, and other information about each inventory item.

•      View and edit the detailed information that is maintained for each inventory item in the Inventory Master file.   Your ability to edit the information stored for the item in the Inventory Master file is restricted based on your security settings and on the Inventory Normalization logic that is being used in the system.

•      View the Bin details (the physical locations where the item is stored within the selected warehouse and the quantities in each bin) for the item in the current inventory location.

•      View the Inventory Activity (inventory transaction history) for the selected item.

•      View and edit the Catalog record associated with the selected item.

•      View and edit the Cross Reference records for the selected item and create a new Customer Cross Reference record for the item.

•      View any Bills of Material that have been set up for the selected item. 

•      View the Demand for the item (the open sales and shop order lines and the weekly and monthly sales history for the selected Inventory item).

•      View the Purchasing History for the selected item (the purchasing history program displays all of the po lines that have been issued for the item – regardless the inventory location used for the po line).

•      View the Open Shop Orders that have been entered for the item.

•      View and edit the Safety Stock detail for the selected item.

•      Depreciate Stock.  The Depreciate Stock option allows you to move the available quantity for an in house inventory item to a depreciated, or other version of the same item number (such as a damaged, open box, re-boxed version of the item).  If the depreciated item type you have selected does not already exist for the item you are processing in the location you are processing it, the system will create the item.  Once the depreciated item or “Return Type” has been selected, and any required serial numbers have been input, the system records a CI (Change Item) transaction for the item, it updates the quantities for the source and destination items, and it converts the serial records for the item being processed from the original to the new item.   Serial History records are written to record the changes to the serialized inventory detail, Bin records are updated for the quantity changes and Warehouse transactions are also written to record the Bin movement.

•      Convert Stock.

When the Inventory Management program is selected from the menu, the program  will display the Inventory items that exist in your default inventory location (the location that is set in your operator record) using the default display index that has been defined for the program.


Display and Search Sequences

Location Window

Zoom - Inventory Detail

Expand - Bin Lookup

Inventory Activity

Catalog Detail

Cross Reference Table




Serials Available

Serials Sold

Purchasing History

Open Shop Orders

Safety Stock

Depreciate Stock

Convert Stock

Imaging Button - Images Lookup

Comment Button - Comment List

Print Button - Inventory Print Routine