Many of the StreamV programs use the standard toolbar, which allows you to quickly access commonly supported commands using the mouse. A picture of the toolbar is displayed below.
The options which are available from the standard toolbar are listed in the order that they appear in the toolbar from left to right. Please note that the availability of each of these options depends on the program you are using and on the the position of the cursor in the current program.
The toolbar will automatically adjust (the buttons will fade or un-fade) to show which options are available as you load each program and or as you move your cursor from field to field or window to window in each program.
A description of each of the options included on the Standard Toolbar is presented below.
Please also note that many of the toolbar options can also be executed by pressing the appropriate keyboard commands. The StreamV system allows you to customize the keyboard commands used with the system, but the standard keyboard command for each of the button options is also included in the following sections.